This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In 1967 the last piece of our great window (the window in the back of the church) was installed. This window is unique for several reasons. The first is the use of 23-karat gold leaf that shines over the point in the evening sun. That was unique at the time in that Henry Lee Willet (the primary artist) combined techniques with his son and daughter to invent a new style of hand-blown stained glass. The style now named the "Willet Sculpted Gold Window" was invented to look beautiful both in daylight and at night. What is intriguing to me about the style is that it combined the traditional hand-blown glass that the Willet family was known for, with techniques taught to the parents by the kids – one generation learning from another.

In some ways, the church will always be in a pattern of honoring our past while learning and moving toward the future. I give thanks for our founding members, folks like James Tupper who designed St. Martin's and worked with the Willets on the windows. Seeing them restored to their original condition makes me wonder what it must have been like to see the project of building the church completed.

I also give thanks for the donors who helped build this church. We get to worship in this beautiful and holy space, surrounded by sacred art, because people gave. On this note, I want to thank Billy and Sara Stork. Billy's family donated to the original windows, and now 58 years later the Stork's donation has restored them. I am deeply grateful.

My friends, we are a part of a living church. Your giving matters as we seek to serve God and care for this holy worship space entrusted to us. If you would like to leave a gift to St. Martin's and our buildings in your will, please do so. If you would like to give to our capital campaign, please know we are grateful, and Jim Morgan in the office would love to talk to you. If you would like to be a part of the team that cares for our buildings, contact Gordon Thomas and get involved. Our house of worship is truly a home. Homes always need work. Thank you to everyone who helps keep our church home beautiful. 

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch