Make the land beneath your feet holy with prayer.
Join us as we embark on a virtual adventure like no other. Follow along with Jesus’ journey in the Gospel of Luke — from Mary’s annunciation to Jesus’ transfiguration on the mount.

A virtual walking pilgrimage
Walk at your own pace, in your own neighborhood, but be transported to a whole different time and world through meditations, scripture, and special bonus videos along the way.
Log your miles to unlock “milestones” along the path which teach you about
the landscape, the place, scripture, and perhaps help you
reflect on your own place in the story.
This is trip you don’t want to miss.
There’s an app for that.
Keep track of your virtual pilgrimage with an app made especially for St. Martin’s!
Journey at your own pace in whatever mode you like. The app will automatically track your walking and motion, and notify you when you’ve arrived at different destinations along our route. Along the way, you’ll unlock special content including videos from our clergy and special guests, pictures, reflections, and music from our choir!
Downloadable for iPhone and Android devices now!
Weekly fellowship with other pilgrims
Often, the best part of a pilgrimage is unwinding after a long day of travelling with your fellow pilgrims over dinner and Compline.
We will gather in lively fellowship over Zoom weekly to check-in on our progress, discuss the videos we unlocked the previous week, and reflect together on our journey. BYOB - Bring your own baklava.
A guidebook for the journey
When you register, you will receive a printed guidebook for the pilgrimage. Inside you will find the itinerary with brief introductions for each city we visit, mileages, scripture references to read along with, and questions you can meditate on as you walk.
Total pilgrimage distance is 98 miles following in Jesus’ footsteps.
Journey at your own pace — we expect many people will be able to finish by the end of Advent and most will be able to finish by Epiphany.

Take a deep dive into the Gospel of Luke this Advent. Walk in the way of Jesus.
The pilgrimage is free to all who wish to join.
Frequently Asked Questions
+ When can I register?
Registration is now closed. However, everyone can still participate in the pilgrimage at their own time and pace. Simply download the app to your mobile device and begin.
+ What does it cost?
The pilgrimage is free to anyone and everyone!
If you feel you must, you are welcome to make a thank offering at smifsc.com/give.
+ Who can join? Can I invite a friend?
Everyone is welcome, no matter if they are near or far! The perk of a virtual journey is that there is no limit to who can join! Invite friends!
+ When can I download the app?
You will be able to download the app by the first Sunday of Advent after you register. We'll send an email to all registrants with details when it's available. Or, scroll back up and download the app by clicking one of the buttons above.
+ How does the app work?
When you first open the app, you'll be asked whether you are doing a mileage-based pilgrimage or a points-based pilgrimage. If you log miles, the app will automatically track your motion through your health app on your phone, or you can manually log your activity. If you are doing a points-based pilgrimage, you will log your activities manually and get points for each activity you do.
As you log your pilgrimage journey, you'll see on the map how far you've gone along the pilgrimage route. As you journey and arrive in different cities or milestones, you'll unlock special content like videos, pictures, blog posts, and more.
+ How can I participate? What if I can't walk? Is the pilgrimage handicap accessible?
You can participate either by a mileage-based pilgrimage or a points-based pilgrimage.
Mileage-based pilgrims will log miles by walking, running, cycling, swimming, or more.
Points-based pilgrims will log points which convert to miles by completing set activities in the app. They include things like "Say Morning Prayer," "Pray for your parish prayer list," "Pray with an icon," "be silent for 15 minutes," and more.
+ What is the Guidebook?
The Guidebook is a map of where the pilgrimge will take us around the Holy Land. The book includes a map of our full journey, introductions to each city we pass through, scripture passages so you can follow along with the story, and guiding questions to ponder in your travels.