What is Stewardship

In the Episcopal Church, we believe that stewardship is our grateful response to God for all that God has provided for us. 

In the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), we learn that a steward is a thankful and resourceful caretaker of God's abundance.  As Christians, we are stewards of God's world and the Church in many ways. 

At St. Martin's, stewardship involves giving of ourselves through the time, talent and treasure that we share:  by enhancing the spiritual journey of fellow parishioners (volunteering to teach a Sunday School class or sing in the choir) as well as supporting those in need outside our parish (packaging food for Stop Hunger Now or mentoring a student). 


We also give our money as a response to God's grace in our lives.  Making an annual pledge supports the operating budget of the parish.  It is a spiritual discipline to put "first things first" with a financial commitment of our treasure, however small or large that may be.  The story of the Widow's Mite (Mark 12:41-44) is another good reminder of how Jesus viewed the use of money.

Your annual pledge covers everything from personnel expenses for our clergy and staff to maintenance costs for our buildings and grounds along with resources required for quality worship and programming.  Financial support is vital to St. Martin's mission to love, to grow and to serve as well as to maintain our presence as a welcoming parish where others can come to know Christ. 


Annual Pledging

If you would like to make an annual pledge to St. Martin's, contact Finance Administrator Robyn Holt.  Once your pledge is established, you can click on the Online Giving Form to set up your recurring gift. 

One-time Gifts

You may also make one time or recurring gifts to various programs and ministries through our online giving portal.


Stock Transfers

If you would like to initiate a stock transfer, or talk to someone about leaving St. Martin’s in your will, please contact Robyn Holt.

Capital Campaign Gifts

If you would like to set up your recurring gift for your Building on the Legacy Capital Campaign pledge, please contact Finance Administrator Robyn Holt.


Capital Campaign

In August 2019, we kicked off our Building on the Legacy Capital Campaign, a $5.2 million campaign to pay off the $1 million balance on the mortgage of The Commons, our new Christian education building, as well as many much needed improvements around the 70-year-old campus. Among the proposed improvements are upgrading ADA access, renovating dated bathrooms and other spaces as well as refurbishing the organ. Pledges to Building on the Legacy will cover a five-year period and are currently being accepted.  Contact the parish office to learn more.