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This Week from Mitch

This Week from Mitch

Yesterday, Caitlyn and I met with some of the area's leaders at Lutheran Services Carolinas about the New Americans Program. Caitlyn and I were trying to figure out what it takes financially to get a refugee family on their feet here in the United States. Unsurprisingly, the most expensive part of bringing a legal refugee safely into the country happens in the first 90 days. The expenses are high as people find jobs, register for school, and move into housing, but then drop after that initial rush. For the family we support, we estimate that the first 90 days (which they are still in) cost roughly $24,000 to $30,000. Considering our family moved here from a refugee camp in Turkey with just the clothes on their back, this number is quite frankly low and reasonable. While there will be expenses after the first 90 days, the cost is largely front-loaded. We have already had one generous gift donated and another pledged. With support from our missions budget, Foundation, and individual donations, we can and will support the family in our care. All of this is exciting and hopeful, and also there's more!

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Dive into Lent - something for everyone this season
Formation SMIF Formation SMIF

Dive into Lent - something for everyone this season

Lent is a season rich with meaning, and to help you dive in spiritually we are offering a multidue of worship services, formation classes, and times to gather with other folks on the journey. Read to find out more about everything we’re doing.

Go deep in your faith this season. You won’t be the same when Easter comes.

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This Week from Mitch

This Week from Mitch

I hope and pray that you are well and dry with all the rain these past few days!

This Sunday, we will read from Luke's Sermon on the Plain. It is much like the Sermon on the Mount, just a bit shorter. This sermon, which takes place during the beginning of Jesus's ministry, sets the missional tone of the work of a disciple. Christ calls us to care for the poor, the hungry, and those who mourn. Jesus' words are simple but powerful. If we could do one thing each week that offers real care to the poor, hungry, and those who weep, I believe our communities would be stronger and healthier.

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This Week from Mitch

This Week from Mitch

I hope and pray that you are well. It has been a busy few weeks for me. First, we had the build-up to our parish weekend at Kanuga and our parish-wide day of service. It went great, and I want to thank Caitlyn for her work. Organizing jobs for 100-plus volunteers is no simple task. To her and all of our volunteers, thank you! I also want to thank the Kanuga committee led by Neil Rashley. They work hard to make our weekend in the mountains carefree and easy. When Kanuga wrapped up, Denise and I drove home, where I changed suitcases and immediately left for Chicago for a week of continuing education. Again, know I am grateful for the time.

During the week, I am sure, like many of you, I found my attention drifting. The tragedy of multiple plane crashes caused moments of sadness and a wave of executive orders and what they would mean for the church caused moments of confusion. That confusion is now becoming clearer.

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This Week from Caitlyn
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Caitlyn

Mitch is away this week in the frigid windy city of Chicago for some continuing education while the sun has finally come out down here. Pray for him, not just for the fruits of good study, but also that he may thaw when he gets back home. 

This Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation, when the one-month-old Jesus is brought to the temple to be presented with the customary thank offering. Two old prophets come to coo over him, with the tenderness of two grandparents but also the conviction of street preachers. They declare to anyone who will listen that this is the Messiah, the Living God incarnate, who folks had drenched the walls of that temple in prayers longing for. At last, souls that have wandered for help can now rest because our helper has been revealed.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

This weekend is our annual Kanuga Parish Retreat. Well over 100 St. Martin's folks will head to the mountains around Hendersonville for some time of fellowship and service. This year the retreat will feel a little bit different, in that many folks will not just be retreating. With the effects of Hurricane Helene still being felt, a retreat seemed wrong. Instead, we will be volunteering at a couple of workplaces in the nearby areas. Some will be putting together pallets in a distribution center, making sure much-needed supplies are organized and ready to go. Others will be cleaning crawl spaces, installing vapor barriers, and working around a housing complex. If you have tools you think would be helpful, please bring them! A general contractor will be supervising.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

Every couple of years, I try to sit down and read the Bible cover to cover. In full disclosure, I will admit that I often breeze through some of the tedious genealogies in Leviticus and Numbers, which have a reputation for ruining many Bible reading attempts. That being said, in reading scripture all the way through, I have become convinced that the overarching narrative of the Bible is a story of the ever-widening power of God's love.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

I hope and pray that you are well. In 1951, the First Sunday after the Epiphany, St. Martin's held its first worship service. We commemorate that first service this Sunday. Happy 74th Birthday, St. Martin's! I hope and pray you will join us for Sunday School and Worship. In Sunday School, author and church member Leigha Carson Woody will share poems from her new book "Surviving Child." In worship, we will sing some of the hymns from that first service and have copies of the bulletin available for folks to see. 

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

Denise and I leave our Christmas trees up for the full 12 days of Christmas. This morning, I came downstairs and found myself looking at a purple, green, and gold umbrella ornament at the bottom of our tree. I was filled with sadness for the city of New Orleans, which my family once called home, a city that, despite its flaws, has a culture and beauty that makes it special to us. My heart breaks for the families affected, the school communities, the mourners, and those whose injuries will impact the rest of their lives. For them and all victims of violence everywhere, I ask that you take some time today and offer a prayer–pray for peace.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

I hope and pray that you are well. I hope and pray that you have been able to experience some holiday joy. I hope and pray that you and your loved ones have been able to celebrate the birth of Jesus in happiness and love. 

I am so thankful to celebrate with you all this year. I promised myself that when Christmas at St. Martin's was taken from us by COVID shutdowns, I would never again take the pageantry of the Christmas season for granted. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this Christmas beautiful. Thank you to our Altar Guild, Sunday school teachers, Flower Guild, and so many others who went above and beyond during this time. I also want to thank Gordon Thomas by name. Gordon worked hours upon hours to make our campus look welcoming and inviting. There has not been a time in the last few weeks when I have not seen his truck somewhere on campus. Gordon, thank you.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

Merry Christmas!!! I love Christmas. I love the services and the music, gathering with family and friends, the giving and receiving of gifts, and Hallmark movies with cheesy and predictable happy endings.

I love the sounds of Christmas—the bell ringers outside stores, children in neighborhoods playing with new toys, and the sounds of people saying, "Merry Christmas!" I also love the feeling of Christmas. It seems like people are kinder this time of year, more generous, more loving, more grateful, and just plain nicer. I wonder what that is about.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

I hope and pray that you are well! Holy wow, life is busy. At the church, we are gearing up for Christmas, while at home, the Smith children are prepping for final exams and doing their best to finish the semester strong. For many of our families, I know that this is a busy time of year. Please know we are holding you in prayer.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

I hope and pray that you are well. I am sitting with a Bible and prayer book/hymnal that I keep in my office. Both were given to me 19 years ago at my ordination to the diaconate. The first services where I officially proclaimed the gospel, bid the confession, and served at the altar were Advent services. I remember during this time looking back on seminary with a mixture of gratefulness and relief. I also recall looking forward with expectation towards a life in ministry while also celebrating that our family of two was about to become a family of three. From this point on Advent would represent for me a season of preparation and prayer (as our faith tradition says) as well as a sense of adventure as Denise and I stood at the beginning of the unknown.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

Happy Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving. I love the meal, the time with family, the whole process. I love to cook and so in some ways, Thanksgiving is my Super Bowl. It's fun for me. It is also a day when I will try my best as a Christian to share the blessings I have been given by making a donation to the church and getting some presents for our Giving Tree. I will try to practice gratitude.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

This Sunday is our Annual Meeting. For those of you who are new to the church, the Annual Meeting is a required day, where once a year the parish gathers to hear the business reports of the church. My sermon will serve as my annual report. After church at coffee hour and again at the Annual Meeting we'll show a slideshow of images from this past year. After the 10:30 AM service, we will elect our slate of vestry nominees and a delegate to Diocesan Convention. We will then have a budget presentation, a presentation from our foundation leader, and hear a few words from our Junior and Senior Wardens.

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

I hope and pray that you are well. This Sunday promises to be a day of celebration and fun as we celebrate our parish's namesake, Saint Martin of Tours. Along with being our patron saint, Saint Martin of Tours is considered the patron saint of all veterans. He also was one of the very few saints of his time who were named a saint but never martyred. Instead, Martin was held up as an example of what it means to faithfully serve God for the entirety of one's life, but I digress...

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

As always, I hope and pray that you are well. As I write my letter this morning, I find myself at a loss for words. Some in our midst are celebrating, others are sad, hurting, and afraid. As a priest, a large part of my vocation deals with trying to make sense of life, through the lens of faith, particularly through the lens of our Baptismal Covenant. Sometimes this is easy. Sometimes it is hard.

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and burden is light."

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This Week from Mitch
Jim Morgan Jim Morgan

This Week from Mitch

Happy Halloween! I hope and pray that this email finds everyone well. I also hope you get to laugh and enjoy some of the day's festivities. My day has been and will be a day of costumes and candy. It began with dropping Lydia off at a pre-dawn costumed track workout, and it will finish with a promenade through the neighborhood with some friends whose kids still require parental trick-or-treating assistance. 

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