This Week from Mitch

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am excited to let you know about some wonderful developments at St. Martin's. The first exciting thing is that St. Martin's will soon be welcoming a new youth and children's minister! After a nationwide search, we are pleased to announce Alex Cato has accepted a call to serve the youth and children of this parish. Alex will be coming to us from San Antonio, Texas, where she has served as youth minister at Travis Park United Methodist Church. Alex has a degree in mass communications from the University of West Georgia and a Master of Arts degree in youth ministry from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. To learn more about Alex, click here to see her bio! I am excited that as the school year begins, a new chapter in St. Martin's youth and children's ministry will be written!

The next exciting piece of news is that starting on Aug. 19, we will begin a huge mission project! Our work with Episcopal Migration Ministries has put us in touch with a family that desperately needs some home repairs. St Martin's will be partnering with Habitat for Humanity, as we seek to help this family have a livable home. We are going to need volunteers! Lots and lots of volunteers. Click here to see the link on our web page and learn more about this project.

Finally, I am pleased to say that over the course of two welcome dinners, we have welcomed 15 new visitors/members to our parish. Despite the pandemic, we are growing. Growing in ministry, growing in love, and growing in numbers. It is my belief that as long as we stay faithful to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, this growth will continue. It was faithfulness that led volunteer after volunteer to help at the vaccination sites; it was faithfulness that kept worship happening even when it was forced online and outside; it was faithfulness that kept our Community House open and our feeding ministries alive, and it is faithfulness that leads us in a spirit of joy and love to these exciting new opportunities.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


To be Safe at Home — Habitat for Humanity Critical Home Repair outreach project