Advent Adult Formation Classes
We’re offering new Adult Formation opportunities during the season of Advent. Come join us!
Advent Wreath Making
Wednesday, December 6th at 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall
Join us to make an Advent wreath! All materials, greenery, and candles provided!
“Mini” Advent Quiet Days
Sundays at 9:15 a.m. - December 3rd, 10th, and 17th in the Garden Room.
Take some quiet time before worship each week to deck thy soul with gladness and prepare your heart for all the spiritual riches of the Incarnation. Each day will be stand-alone and will offer different ways to reflect, restore, and nurture the faith ever growing inside of you.
Every Season Sacred: Liturgies for Parents
Sundays at 9:15 a.m. - December 3rd and 10th in the Chapel.
This class will focus on reflections from the book Every Season Sacred: Liturgies for Parents by Kayla Craig. Fill out this form to register. Please register by November 29th so the books have time to arrive. Or order your own book here.
About the Book:
What does it look like to live a
flourishing, messy, wonderful life together?
As parents, we’re tasked with nurturing and guiding our children, even as we navigate our own wonderings about faith. In the overwhelm and constant demands of life, is it possible to tend to our own souls and to our family’s flourishing?
With tender curiosity and contemplative wisdom, Every Season Sacred is a weekly invitation to grow spiritually alongside our children.
Blending thoughtful musings and practical resources, author Kayla Craig meets parents in their actual lives, offering:
honest and hopeful reflections for every season of the parenting journey;
encouragement to parent with intention and imagination, presence and purpose;
open-ended discussion prompts and prayers to explore and practice as a family.