Advent Online - Caitlyn’s MEGA list of Advent resources
Experience Advent at church, in your earbuds, on your phone, on social media, and online
The air is cooling, the nights are growing longer, the vestments in the worship space have turned blue – the season of Advent is upon us.
Advent practices often take a back seat to our Lenten fasts, thanks in no small part to the hustle and bustle of parties, decorating, and domestic preparations. It can be hard to slow down and devoutly read an Advent book, or piously pray the Daily Office, and fasting during Christmas Cookie Season is out of the question.
And maybe that’s ok.
Maybe you’re not a book person. Maybe you have a long commute. Or maybe you crave more this season. Maybe you have time for a luxurious meditative practice or maybe you wonder when, if ever, you’ll get to sit down.
God reached out to us in such an unlikely way – in baby boy born in a barn. God continues to reach out to us, meeting us where we are to call us to God's Love, even in our emails and Instagrams and earbuds. Peruse the lists below to find what might be a place where God can reach out to you while waiting at your desk, in your car, or while you wait in line. Every moment you take for God and prayer, whether brief or long, is good for the soul.
May you be blessed this Advent season as we celebrate Christ’s first coming and wait together in hope for his second coming.
Albums & Playlists
Caitlyn's Five Favorite Advent Books
20 minute candles
Ok, so this isn’t a book. These are single-use, hand-dipped, beeswax candles that guide a person through 20 minutes of "unplugged", renewal/prayer time...without distraction. This product is a simple tool for this life's beautiful (and challenging) days. This set contains 22 candles (one for each day of Advent season 2023) that burn for 20ish minutes each.
Honest Advent
Awakening to the Wonder of God-With-Us Then, Here, and Now
A devotional for art lovers. For those who are looking for something honest, something real, something with a little more human grit to it and a little less conventional red and green: Honest Advent offers a new kind of devotional.
The Once & Future Coming of Jesus Christ
"Advent," says Fleming Rutledge, "is definitely not for sissies." As the midnight of the Christian year, Advent is rife with dark, gritty realities. In this book Rutledge spotlights the rich significance of the Advent season not just as transitional but as vibrant and profound in its own right.
Holy is His Name
Daily Devotions for Advent
Written by a friend of mine and Episcopal youth minister, Elis reflects daily on the canticles in the Gospel of Luke. She explores the hope, peace, and liberation promised to us all. In this season of Advent, sing and pray these words of joy and proclaim that indeed, holy is his name.
Watch for the Light
Fifty devotions that invite you to contemplate the great themes of Christmas and the significance that the coming of Jesus has for each of us - not only during Advent, but every day. Whether dipped into at leisure or used on a daily basis, Watch for the Light gives the phrase "holiday preparations" new depth and meaning.
Haphazard by Starlight
A Poem A Day From Advent To Epiphany
For poetry lovers. Like the Magi who travelled a long distance to search out and adore the infant Jesus, and who took some wrong turns on the way, we too have a journey to undertake before we find that we have “Walked haphazard by starlight straight/Into the kingdom of heaven.”
Venite: Daily Prayer and Meditation app on Google Play and the App Store
d365 Daily Devotionals by PASSPORT Camps on Google Play and the App Store
Day by Day by Forward Movement on Google Play and the App Store
#AdventWord --
Brother Give Us a Word by the Society of St. John the Evangelist --
Daily Advent Reflections by SPCK --
d365 Daily Devotionals --
Busted Halo --
Free Advent devotional and reflections by Kate Bowler at
Daily Advent Surprise calendar at Busted Halo --
Cool Episco-folks on TikTok
Little Way Chapel
Practicing faith at home with families and littles, downloadable resources, inspo, and more.
Find multiple videos for Advent on
"Magnificat: The Musical!" and "Whirl Kids Celebrate Advent" by wearesparkhouse
"Archbishop on Advent" by lambethpalace
The Adventures of Mary & Joseph -- a modern rendering of the story
"The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" through ChurchNext, with Bishop Susan Goff
More resources at