This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Every couple of years, I try to sit down and read the Bible cover to cover. In full disclosure, I will admit that I often breeze through some of the tedious genealogies in Leviticus and Numbers, which have a reputation for ruining many Bible reading attempts. That being said, in reading scripture all the way through, I have become convinced that the overarching narrative of the Bible is a story of the ever-widening power of God's love. What starts as a story of God's creation and just two people ends with a God who loves all, because God is in all. Dr. King, who we celebrate this Monday, also believed this truth. It was this belief that led him to say, "We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." Dr. King believed that we together could and should work for a more perfect union, and he pressed us to do this work with love.

When we at St. Martin's say all are welcome, please know that it is as much a theological statement as it is an invitation. Welcoming all means that we are participating in the ever-widening story of God's grace. I pray that on this MLK day, we might be inspired to work for justice and peace, knowing that the arc of history does not bend and the Kingdom does not grow without faithful people doing the work.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch