This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This week in our Gospel, Peter is given the figurative keys to the Kingdom of God. Peter is told that he is the rock on which the church is to be built and that evil will never prevail against it.

With those keys, Peter becomes one of the church's first gatekeepers. In modern theology, we believe that through the Holy Spirit, we the people of God make up the body of Christ. We believe that we are the hands and feet of Christ in the world. We believe that we are modern disciples. These beliefs mean that in many ways we are all gatekeepers. We get to choose who we invite in and who we don't. We get to choose who we welcome and who we don't. We get to, by our words and deeds, open and close the doors to the kingdom of God.

As God's gatekeepers, I think it is important to remember who Jesus tells us we should invite. At the wedding feast, Jesus tells his servants to go out into the town and invite everyone they see. At the harvest, Jesus tells his servants to bring everything to the threshing floor, so his angels can separate the wheat from the chaff. As Jesus begins his preaching career in and around the town of Galilee, he starts with the words, "Let all with ears listen."

I believe Jesus invites us to be a different sort of gatekeeper. Instead of being a person who keeps folks out, Jesus invites us to be a gatekeeper who ensures the doors stay open. This Saturday we welcome Mary Foster Parmer. She will be with us all day helping us to examine how to invite others, how to be a more welcoming church, and how we can foster better connections in our community. She will be with us from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you can't come to all of it, come to some. It's important work and we the people of God can always learn and always do better.

People need connection. I believe we have connection here. People need love. I believe we have love in this church. People need support. We have it here. Let's learn how to share these gifts with others and let's endeavor to keep our gates open wide.

In Christ,



House Meetings: A new justice cycle begins for MORE Justice @ St. Martin’s


This Week from Mitch