This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope and pray that you are well! You probably know from mailings, announcements, and the pledge cards sitting in the pews that we are in the midst of stewardship season. Our theme this year is "Our Church Home." For me, St. Martin's is the place where I have watched my children grow up. I will never forget seeing my father present Noah for confirmation, nor will I ever forget the first time Lydia and I were able to serve at the altar together. These moments have etched themselves into my heart.

These memories have also made St. Martin's, for me, more than a church, more than a building, more than a place: it is my spiritual home. Denise and I give for the youth who run, play, and pray in this place. We give for dinners that feed the homeless. We give for the people St. Martin's has inspired to ministry, for Eagle Scout projects, for lives formed through Christian formation, and so much more. We give to St. Martin's because we love the people. We give because you are all our church family!

St. Martin's depends on every pledge. If you made a pledge for 2023, I ask that you honor it. If for some reason you cannot, please give me a call or send me an email. It helps us with our budgeting to know. I also ask that you consider pledging for 2024. One of the things that makes St. Martin's a healthy church is that there is a spirit of everyone being in ministry together. Our common gifts help us serve the community in Christian Love. They help our church home to be a place of welcome, love, and hopefulness.

What are the memories that make St. Martin's your church home? Was it walking down the aisle to be married? Was it a mission trip? Was it baptizing your child or your grandchild? All of these events make St. Martin's special. Your giving allows others to create the same memories and experience the same Christian community that we all know to be so incredibly important. As your priest, as a friend, and as a fellow giver to your church I hope and pray that you will both finish your pledge for 2023 and make a pledge for 2024.

St. Martin's changes lives and makes an impact on our community. Your giving helps to make this happen.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch