From the Rector


One of the things that I have missed during COVID is having guests at our home. Denise and I truly enjoy hosting. I know that many in our parish miss doing this as well. The act of welcoming someone into your home, breaking bread with them, sharing stories, and listening to them is biblical. It is also a fundamental part of living in community. In the Smith house, an inevitable part of hosting is always cleaning before our guests arrive. Sometimes we have our collective acts together and this cleaning is complete well before our guests show up. Truthfully, because of our busy lives, more often than not, we are cleaning right up until the very moment people arrive. It can be stressful, but the stress is worth it. We clean because we want to both honor our guests and put our best foot forward. We clean out of love and respect for the families and friends who honor us with their presence. We clean because, as the blessing says, "sometimes angels are hosted while we are unaware."

St. Martin's has a Work Day approaching this Saturday. It is from 9 a.m. to noon. As we prepare for Easter, and as we open more and more, our campus needs some love. Like cleaning our homes before company arrives, we as a church need to clean our house of worship for family, for friends, for guests, and for strangers. I encourage you to come and participate! 

St. Martin's is in a state of re-emerging. We are beginning this by cleaning our house, but also have great programming and fun lined up and we need for folks to re-engage. Some of the programming we are planning includes a Bible Reading Challenge with an accompanying podcast and a high ropes day for youth and families. Holy Week, Easter, and beyond will show signs of continual re-growth as we return to having acolytes, readers and lay eucharistic visitors at worship. In terms of service, our Community Garden needs to be re-planted; we have a Habitat for Humanity build in the works, and Harvest Hope, St. Luke's, and the Crayton Backpack Program continue to need our support.

In short, our community and collective service is needed. Are you interested in working with youth? Let us know! Would you like to help read or serve during worship? Please let us know. The 5 p.m. service takes about 40 minutes to set up and another 20 to clean up after the service ends. Would you like to help? Come early, learn, and then sign up for another date. Offering worship, parish activities, and welcoming people in a physically safe way is something that takes both flexibility and effort. If you feel safe and ready to help, your church sure could use you.

In Christ,


A Word from Mitch, COVID-19 Update


A Word from Mitch-COVID-19 Update