This Week from Mitch

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

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This is a special E-Messenger announcing two exciting things coming up. As you know, it was announced yesterday that people age 70 and above can sign up to receive the COVID vaccine. This is great news. I encourage everyone who is eligible to sign up! With this being said, I understand, after talking to many of our members, that there are some lingering questions about both the COVID vaccines and COVID itself. I want everyone in our parish to be well informed.

To help answer questions, and as a service to our community, doctors Mark Mayson and Kristl Tomlin have volunteered to help answer ANY questions you might have. This Sunday we will set up our coffee hour as a community forum. People can ask questions and get straightforward answers from faithful members of our community. Caitlyn and I will help to moderate the discussion. Please share the coffee hour link with family and friends.

Secondly, we have a couple of people in our parish who have volunteered to help folks navigate getting signed up for vaccine appointments. The S.C. DHEC website can sometimes be a lot to navigate. If you are 70 and above and have had trouble making an appointment, let me know. I will put you in contact with one of our volunteers. If you are reasonably computer-literate and would like to help sign people up, please also let me know by contacting me.

In the midst of this current spike in COVID infections, I encourage everyone to be safe. I also encourage everyone to learn what you can. If you are nervous about the vaccines, if you have questions, or if you need help, please ask. St. Martin’s is a wonderful community filled with incredibly talented people. I am grateful for Mark's and Kristl’s willingness to share their talents with us.

In Christ,



Weekly pandemic update from Mitch


Weekly pandemic update from Mitch