So you want to come back to church…

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Maybe you really want to come back to church, but you're nervous about the virus that is still so disrupting our lives.

Maybe you have small children who can't yet be vaccinated.

Maybe you're expecting a baby, or maybe you care for an older family member.

We understand that any one of these situations can lower your comfort level about returning, which is why we now offer a hybrid form of outdoor church at our 10:30 a.m. service. We believe this way of "being church" allows folks to re-enter the St. Martin's community with an extra sense of safety.

Chairs, an altar and a screen are set up each Sunday, weather permitting, in our beautiful courtyard next to the Parish Hall, where families may come sit and take part in church. Consider it a Sunday morning picnic.


At the time of Communion, a priest will join you and offer Communion in person.

If taking Communion makes you uncomfortable, no worries. Simply cross your arms over your chest and a blessing will be said instead. Or you may take the bread only and cross your chest when the wine is offered. No questions. No judgment. (You may be surprised to see how many people are doing the very same thing.)

Oh, and if you have children who you are afraid will make noise ... please know that the noises of little children, all children, are a joyful noise to us -- inside or out.

Outdoor worship is the perfect place to come together as a family. Well, so is indoor church, but outdoor church provides another space for your comfort and for your family to refuel for the week ahead. We all need that refueling now more than ever before.

Adequate spacing is available in the courtyard, and we continue to wear masks, so extra safety is in place in that way, too.

We sure would love to see you.


This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch