This Week from Mitch

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Yesterday was a special day for Caitlyn Darnell as she was ordained to the priesthood. The service was beautiful. Over coffee this morning I reflected on this past year, the year ahead of us, and our path forward as a church with new leaders in place. Caitlyn's ministry is one that has been and will continue to be a blessing to our church. Her preaching, teaching, and passion for mission are things that we have all witnessed. This year as we work towards a post-pandemic world and herd immunity, all of these skills will be needed.

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COVID is pushing our church and our world in new directions. With unemployment rates in our community rising and an increasingly visible disparity in health care, I feel that we as a church are being called back to very simple and traditional ministries. Jesus himself was the one who directed us to feed the poor, care for the sick, and clothe the naked. As I drove by Harvest Hope food bank the other day and saw the line that stretched down Shop Road, I thought about how these ministries are needed more than ever.

The mission field of 2021 is literally all around us. As Christians, we are called to see it. As a priest, Caitlyn is called to show it. And as a church, we are called to respond. St. Martin's has always responded. Our mission of loving, serving and growing has served us well. Fidelity to it and to the basic tenants of our faith is our path forward. I am thankful for Caitlyn's new role with us. I am thankful for her leadership as we journey with her. 

In Christ,


A Word from Mitch-Ash Wednesday


Pandemic Update: A Message from Mitch