Proposed Bylaws Changes

Our parish’s bylaws are the governing documents of our congregation. They tell us how we are to remain organized, they guide our official business together, and they support the ministry and mission of this place.

A committee of talented lawyers from within the parish have been meeting to review our bylaws which were written decades ago. The parish bylaws committee of Chuck Meehan, Tom Stepp, Jennifer Mallory, and Martin McWilliams have worked extremely diligently to revise and simplify our parish bylaws. They have worked for the last year on these changes. We give thanks for their work, dedication, and faithfulness during this process.

The committee was tasked with making them clear, understandable, and easy to use by all parishioners while maintaining legal sufficiency. The committee recommends no major changes in Parish mission, ministry, governance, or operations. Their goal has been to achieve consistency throughout the document.

Below you will find a copy of the “redline” text of the proposed Bylaws. This text has been amended to show a series of clearly marked “End Note” references associated with the individual changes. Also attached is a reference sheet expressing the thinking behind each enumerated item.

All members of St. Martin’s will be asked to vote on these changes at the Annual Meeting on November 11.

The committee is delighted to present this document to the congregation, and wants to leave no question unanswered before consideration at the Annual Meeting. If you have any questions about their proposal, please contact Mitch.


Happy Allhallowtide! (What’s “Allhallowtide?”)


This Week from Mitch