This Week from Mitch
Dear Church Family,
I hope and pray that you are well.
On Aug. 14, we will have a parish breakfast between services. During breakfast, there will be time to talk, eat, and have some fellowship time together. Also, during the breakfast, we will start to share the calendar for the upcoming program year, including new Bible studies, programs, and service opportunities. This upcoming program calendar is going to be packed for people of all ages.
For parents of young children (5th graders and below), I will host a separate breakfast and conversation in All Saints' Hall. I want to hear firsthand from our parents about both what they want for the upcoming school year, and what we can collectively commit to doing. Alex will have breakfast and activities for your children during your time with me.
While our youth group has grown to record numbers, our children's ministry has struggled. I want to hear your hopes and dreams. As the rector of St. Martin's, I am called to serve all of our members. I want to know how I and this amazing staff can serve your children better. Jesus said, "Let the children come to me." (BTW, have you ever noticed this window of Jesus with the children in our chapel?)
When I say, "All are welcome" before communion, I really mean, all people. I want to know what else I can do to make that welcome special for our youngest members and families. Following this meeting, we will bless our children and our teachers, and our children's backpacks as they get ready to start a new school year.
In Christ,