The Giving Tree!

It’s Giving Tree season again!

This year we are supporting families
at Crayton Middle School, our across-the-street neighbors,
as well as collecting hats and gloves for St. Luke’s!

Our Giving Tree is located in the Narthex just outside the Sanctuary. Pick up a tag when you come to worship on Sunday and bring back your gifts before December 12. All of the tags represent children in our neighborhood who have been connected to us through our partnership with the social worker at Crayton Middle School across the street.

Here’s what you need to know: 

Each tag represents one child. Families are organized by letter (Family A, Family B, Family C, etc.), and members in the family are numbered (A1, A2, etc.).

Shop for the person on your tag as though you were shopping for your own child/grandchild. You’re helping create Christmas magic for a little one, so think magically.

You can take as many tags as you’d like and can shop for. If you can afford to, it is often a nice gesture to sponsor an entire family so that gifts are of like thoughtfulness and value. If you would like the details of your tag emailed to you, or if you have any questions, contact Caitlyn

Wrapping and Tagging

Wrap your gifts nicely in giftwrap or gift bags and place all of them inside a large plastic bag.

Your Giving Tree tag is printed on a sticky label. Please stick your Giving Tree label to the outside of the plastic bag. (We want the parents to be able to address the gifts with the child’s name for Christmas). 

Bring the gifts to worship on Sunday, or to the church office by December 12th.

If your gift is going to be late for any reason, contact Caitlyn ASAP. We don’t want a family waiting in line to receive nothing on pick-up day.


Advent Online - Caitlyn’s MEGA list of Advent resources


This Week from Mitch