This Week from Mitch
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am writing from the lobby of my hotel in Kansas City. I have been attending the annual Episcopal Parish Network Conference along with a team from St. Martin's. EPN was formerly called CEEP, the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes. Time here is well spent, with educational tracks for treasurers, vestry, clergy, parish administrators, and endowment managers. This year, I was blessed to be asked to teach and share some of what St. Martin's has done to get back to pre-COVID numbers in attendance and finance.
One observation the experience reinforced in my mind is that in terms of our church's growth, I really have very little to do with it. You all are the ones who invite people to church. You all are our greatest ambassadors in the city of Columbia. You all are the ones who tirelessly volunteer, helping us be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. You all are the church, and because of your dedication, service, and love, we are strong.
One of the highlights of this year's EPN for me was getting to spend time in conversation with our new Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe. He strikes me as a strong leader who understands that the church needs to change in order to grow. He struck a message of hope, reminding us that in times of uncertainty, our hope is the Lord.
This Sunday, we get to celebrate that hope through the sacrament of baptism. I ask for your prayers for our baptismal candidates and their families. I also ask, if it has been a minute, that you consider coming to church. If you need a boost, a recharge, or a place to fix your hope, then come to the 10:30 AM service. Renew your baptismal vows and let the waters of baptism wash over you. Bishop Rowe reminded us that our mission as the church is to keep the main thing the main thing. I believe the main thing is found in the baptismal vows we take together. Please come! Let's reaffirm our faith and renew our vows as we welcome new people into a life in Christ.
In Christ,