Weekly pandemic thoughts from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

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Sometimes you can do everything right and then you get that phone call. "Sir," the call began, "last week you had your fire inspection. We regret to inform you that the inspector who was at St. Martin's has tested COVID-positive." Thus began the contact tracing, the quarantining, the COVID testing, and following the necessary safety protocols. The good news is the two people who dealt with the inspector wore masks; the inspector wore a mask, and physical distance was kept. 

This sort of experience reminds us to keep our guard up. An organization like St. Martin's can't say "no" to our fire inspection. It's both necessary and a good thing in order to keep our buildings safe. The same is true for us individually. In our day-to-day lives, we all have things we have to do, things that are important to do. With that being said, we take precautions because at this point in the pandemic, it is nearly a mathematical certainty that at some point, we will be exposed. We wear our masks; we practice safe practices of physical distancing; we get tested, and we do our best to stay safe not only for our own lives, but also the lives of others.

In Christ,



Weekly pandemic update from Mitch


This week from Mitch