A Word from Mitch


It was a blessing to worship with you in person and in our church this past Sunday. I look forward to doing it again this Sunday, especially with the inclusion of a Pentecost baptism.

One parishioner's remarks about COVID to me after the service struck me as being especially true. She said, "While we still have a ways to go with COVID, it feels like we're gaining on it." I share that feeling. I also understand and respect that there is great diversity among us about how safe we feel. On Sunday, comments on comfort after church ranged from "When can we take off our masks and have coffee hour again?" to "This was my first time indoors with other families, I'm not sure how I feel."

This range of comfort was also reflected in our numbers. We had 38 people at our 8 a.m. service, 98 at our 10:30 service, 35 at our 5 p.m. service, and another 65 who watched the service on YouTube. This wide range of participation is both a blessing and a challenge. The blessing is in the fact that our numbers continue to be strong, especially when you consider that more than one person can be watching a screen at one time. The challenge will continually be how to keep our community connected amidst such diverse offerings. Look for more community events -- like our food truck round-up and our family adventure day -- that we hope will bring our entire community together.

As a church, we will continue to follow the Bishop's protocols to the best of our ability. Personally, I plan on continuing my work with community leaders, volunteering at vaccine clinics and advocating for people to get vaccinated. As a parent, I have to say I felt a sense of relief when my oldest got his first shot. I look forward to the time when my youngest is able to get hers.

As summer comes, I know many families are longing for vacation. After a year of no, or limited, travel, I know many folks who are chomping at the bit to get out of town. My family is looking forward to a vacation in August. It will be our first multiple-week trip in several years. As we travel, I encourage everyone to be safe and use common sense. I also hope that you will worship with us via our online offerings. Our community is strongest when we are connected together.

In Christ,


Worshipping together is what gives us strength


A Word from Mitch