A Word from Mitch


We've asked the questions and many of you have answered. Thank you for responding to our survey. Please, if you have not yet filled it out, take a few minutes and respond by clicking here (new window). The answers will affect decisions moving forward about our worship practices. All of the results of our survey are being posted on our website. The diversity of our responses continues to illustrate how widely varying each family's response to COVID has been.

Outdoor gatherings have repeatedly been shown to be safe. We plan -- and I pray that the weather holds off -- to have a birthday party for St. Martin's on The Point Thursday evening. We will have food vendors and live music. Beverages and birthday cake will be provided. Food truck vendors will accept credit cards or cash, but, please, do not let this be a deterrent to coming. Come see me if you need assistance, and I will get you a plate.

In the 70 years our church has been around, we have faced many challenges. From each challenge, we have emerged as a community of faith, mutual support and love. The fruits of the spirit are evident in each baptism, every Eucharist, and every gathering we hold. On Thursday, come help us celebrate those fruits as we seek to chart our post-pandemic course.

In Christ,


A Word from Mitch


From the Rector