From the Rector

As I look towards the summer months, I do so with a sense of deep gratitude for the ministry and work of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. We are a special church made up of amazing people. On this note, I want to say thank you to all the people from vestry members Molly Dougall and Emmett Kirwan to our choir who helped make Tuesday's funeral service a reality. During COVID, services with 100-plus people take a lot of effort. Thank you. The family, which has visited but not joined, was extremely appreciative. It takes a strong community to be a welcoming community.

For 70 years, St. Martin's has been building a strong community. We have faced challenges with steadfast faith, and through it all, we have grown. St. Martin's is a special church. It is a church that I dearly love. This upcoming Thursday, our church turns 70 years old. We are planning an outdoor gathering with food trucks and a fun band. Nothing formal, no speeches or anything like that, just good old fashioned fellowship and fun.

I long, as I know many of you do, for us to regather, all together, indoors. I long to hear "Hail thee Festival Day" played on the organ and sung by our congregation. I long for things to be back to normal, and I know that those days will come. As more people are vaccinated, that day comes closer. In the meantime, we will continue to work as best we can within the parameters that we are given. In this E-messenger there is a link to a survey. Please answer it. It will be a tool to help us navigate our next steps forward. I look forward to seeing you on a Sunday and at next week's festivities.

In Christ,


A Word from Mitch


A Word from Mitch