A Word from Mitch

As summer approaches, I am increasingly aware that our current Sunday arrangement of two outside services is unsustainable. I am also aware that some people have really fallen in love with the new outside 5 p.m. service. In the next couple of days, a survey will be going out to the parish. I encourage you to take it. Tentatively, a plan is being formed for the 10:30 a.m. service to accommodate more people, but with that plan, there will be trade-offs. For instance, according to diocesan guidelines, congregational singing indoors, even in masks, is prohibited. It's really important for your vestry to hear where you are in terms of what's important. For some people, singing hymns is a huge part of their spirituality and faith expression. For others, it is not. We want to listen. Please participate.

Tuesday's newsletters have focused largely on our church's COVID response. My plan continues to be to stop writing this Tuesday update when the school year lets out. For the last year and a half, writing two newsletters a week has been a significant commitment of time, time that should be refocused on building our in-person community. With that being said, we are aware that for folks with pre-existing conditions and others who are simply homebound, this written communication has served to help keep people connected to St. Martin's. Caitlyn and I have discussed this. On the new webpage, there is a blog function. We intend to have weekly updates posted there from multiple writers. Our intention is to cast as wide a net as possible in serving you and keeping communication open.

In Christ,


From the Rector


From the Rector