From the Rector

Yesterday in a diocesan call, clergy participants spoke with the bishop about new protocols based off of this week's new CDC recommendations/guidelines. Here is where we are:

  • For inside services and meetings, we ask that you continue to wear a mask.

  • For outside services, we ask that you follow the same guidelines that many schools and restaurants are using. Please wear your mask until you are seated in your place, then feel free to remove the mask. When you get up to go to communion/are standing in line for communion, please be sure you are wearing your mask.

On Thursday, May 13, St. Martin's will be 70 years old. To celebrate, we are having an outside birthday party on The Point with food trucks and a band. Come, see and play. In confirmation class last week, we spoke about the baptismal vows. It was noted that "fellowship" was a part of them. Sadly, our church has not been able to do a lot of fellowship events this past year. Let's change that. On top of this, let's celebrate what our founders did for each of us in starting this amazing church. Their dream 70 years ago continues to thrive. For 70 years, St. Martin's has served this community as the hands and feet of Christ to the best of our ability. Let's celebrate.

Finally, as we continue to emerge from this pandemic, let's respect and honor the fact that different people -- based on comfort, medical reasons, and/or personal reasons -- will move at different speeds than others. Our church is a microcosm of society. We have people who long to be wide open and others who are urging us to move more slowly. I encourage everyone to seek to find a middle way, a way of respect and love for all.

In Christ,


A Word from Mitch


A Word from Mitch