A Word from Mitch

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I was energized yesterday as we heard there were only 50 new positive cases in Richland County. The numbers are going down! This is good news. And yet, after picking Noah up on the drive home from school this week, I learned that one of his friends at school had tested positive. What are the odds, I thought, 50 people in Richland County test positive, and we know one of them? This sort of coincidence marks a strange stage in this pandemic. We long to re-open and get back to normal, but COVID is still present. Caution and common sense are still very much needed.

I have loved using the outside space at St. Martin's, and am also glad people have felt safe at the indoor services. Next week we will be sending out a survey to parishioners. We want to hear where our community's comfort level is with worship, in-person meetings, and fellowship opportunities. I encourage you to participate as we seek to take our next steps.

In Christ,


From the Rector


A Word from Mitch