This Week from Caitlyn

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Youth group photo from NYC mission trip

In Ecclesiastes, it says, "There's nothing better for people to do under the sun but to eat, drink and be glad. This is what will accompany them in their hard work, during the lifetime God gives under the sun." (8:15) This week, Mitch is enjoying some respite on vacation. I hope he comes back well-fed, glad, and having enjoyed this hot Southern sun this week. If you have any pastoral concerns or need a prayer, call me or call the office phone to leave a message on the pastoral care line.

This past week our Youth Group has also been away on their mission trip to New York City. They have participated in feeding ministries, learned about the service and mission of racial reconciliation in places whose bricks were laid by enslaved peoples, learned about how our sacred spaces tell our stories, and how beauty points to God. All the while enjoying good NY pizza, Highline tours, and a little fun. Please pray for them as they travel back home to us this Sunday. 

In the mornings, they have been studying the book of James together. It's just four short chapters, and talks about how our faith bears fruit in our service to others. I encourage you to pick it up this weekend and read it - it's a fast read. "Someone might say, 'You have faith and I have action.'" (2:18). We so often find ourselves falling into one category or another, but we are meant to have a both-and life with Christ. Do your actions call you into deeper prayer? Does your faith make you see the needs of your neighbor differently? How does the sanctuary of your life tell the story of what God has done? Does your rest and respite call you into faith in a happy and creative God? James also says, "Faith without actions is dead." (2:26) Breathe life into your faith this week. Come pray and worship with us this Sunday, in person or online (5:13). Come sing. (5:13) Go visit someone who is sick or homebound on our prayer list (5:14). Enjoy the rain that has fallen, for it blesses the work you do for God under the sun (5:18). 

Our teenagers have led the way this week. Let us follow them and do our faith, too. 

In Christ, 



This Week from Caitlyn


This Week from Mitch