This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


After our bishop's visit two weeks ago, the most consistent comment I have heard has been "Sunday felt like church!" After a frantic day in the office yesterday which included pastoral care, painters in the office, preschool meetings and the welcoming of a youth minister candidate into our midst for interviews, I have to agree, it feels like we are fully back. Sure, Green Zones and Blue Zones still exist, and physical distancing remains a part of our lives for now, but signs of new life, new growth, and hope abound.

Caitlyn is in the final phases of completing a deal with Habitat for Humanity. A family that we were connected to through Episcopal Migration Ministries needs some help. Soon we will be calling for volunteers to help repair a home that, we hope, will be this family's home for years to come. Do you like to build or work with your hands? Can you feed volunteers? I've always believed that "mission" happens when our God-given passions intersect with service to God and neighbor. I am excited about this Habitat build and cannot wait to participate in it with you all

Speaking of service, our Finance Committee is in the final stages of approving a budget for our preschool. Bobbie Lindley is on schedule for opening soon, and a waiting list is already being built. A tremendous amount of hours have been invested in this and I am excited to see this ministry bloom.

At last month's newcomers' dinner, we welcomed 14 new folks into our midst. The dinner and conversation was lovely. I was struck by the diverse talents, life experiences, backgrounds, and stories that were shared. It was a remarkable night. As I was driving home, I recall thinking about how bright the future is for St. Martin's. As I look toward the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year, I am filled with hope. The story of 2021 is only half over. The second part of the year has begun and it looks like it is going to be a wonderful journey. With God's help and an open heart, I believe the Holy Spirit will lead us to something wonderful.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch