This Week from Mitch

Dear Beloved in Christ,

Every once in a while a new ministry takes root and possibilities begin to show themselves. I wanted to take a moment to thank Tim Carrier for his work in our Community Garden. Last year, the community garden, now the Sharing Garden, started with Caitlyn's work, following Davis Holt's Eagle Scout project. To be totally honest, planting and caring for the garden was in some ways a type of therapy as we dealt with a summer of COVID.

People were locked down and could not wait to sign up for garden duty. One Sunday before filming an online church service, Tom Dougall mentioned to me that you had to search to find a weed. It was a fun thing to do -- weeds were pulled, food was shared, safe outside fellowship was had.

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To be completely honest again, I would have been 100 percent okay if that ministry had stayed the same this year, but it hasn't. It has grown. If you live in an apartment and can't garden on your property, but you love to garden, then the Sharing Garden is a place for you. Come and play in the dirt! If you need something to make your salad pop, swing by and grab a veggie; the garden is for you! If you know of an organization that could use fresh fruits and vegetables, guess what? The Sharing Garden is for you as well. On top of this, an olive tree has been planted, named Sophia by our late friend Bobbi Kennedy. Other plants mentioned in the Bible are soon to come as well. Tim's vision for the garden is to have a place of growth, fellowship, learning, and fun. It's a long-term vision, but it has taken root. If you can, drive by the back of the church and take a look, or better yet, volunteer! It's a fun ministry and an exciting one to watch. Thank you, Tim.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch