From the Rector


I want to begin today's message with a thank you. A year ago we were scrambling. Chuck, Susan, Caitlyn, and I filmed Holy Week with iPhones and iPads. It was a mad rush. We've come a long way since then. Thank you to all who have helped us do that. Thank you to the hundreds of people who worship from home each Sunday. Thank you, altar guild and choir. Your flexibility and dedication have been so appreciated.

Thank you to our youth volunteers, Marjorie and Heather, who have done Zoom breakfasts with youth pretty much every Sunday. Whether our youth show up or not, they are faithfully present. To our vestry, treasurer, and our various committees who have found creative ways to meet and keep the mission of our church moving forward, thank you. Thank you to the staff of St. Martin's; the last year has not been easy. And, finally, thank you to all who came out to our Parish Workday and to all who continually volunteer around our campus. We enter this year's Holy Week with a beautiful campus and vision of what it can be in the future. Thank you.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. One of the holiest days of the year -- a day when we celebrate Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem and then contemplate his death on the cross. From there we enter Holy Week. If you have never participated in a full Holy Week, I challenge you to consider it. Participating in Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter morning is a theological journey that can, without a doubt, deepen a person's faith. It is, if you will, a pilgrimage to the cross. We have worked hard to create both virtual and in-person offerings for every one of these services. We offer them to you in gratitude for all that you have done to keep our church alive and well. We offer them to you this upcoming week in faithfulness, hoping that the Passion narrative will shape and strengthen you in your faith, your love of Christ, and your love of neighbor.

In Christ,


A Word from Mitch, COVID-19 Update


A Word from Mitch, COVID-19 Update