A Word from Mitch, COVID-19 Update


Yesterday I felt privileged to see both parishioners and friends get vaccines at Gamecock Park. In some ways, the work at the vaccine site served as a centering service project before the responsibilities of Holy Week truly ramp up. Each time I volunteer at Gamecock Park, I am struck by how remarkable it is to see community members work so well together. The positivity of the environment is almost infectious. By the time people are leaving the facility, 80 to 90 percent of the folks who have received the vaccine are waving goodbye to the volunteers and smiling ear to ear. Not so bad for a busy Monday! 

COVID is still very much a part of our lives and our landscape, but as more and more people are vaccinated, it is getting better. As we learn to adapt, we are also getting better at living our lives while also taking proper safety precautions. Our outside and inside Holy Week services are a great example of this. While our maximum capacity for inside is about 75 people right now, our capacity for outdoor worship is in the hundreds. Please consider joining us on The Point for Easter. We have plenty of space. If you have a health concern that forces you to be extra cautious, we will have drive-in spots reserved. Just park your car, sit next to it, and participate in the service from a safe distance. Come hear the word, and, in community, participate in the story of your salvation. In-person services will be at 8 and 10:30 a.m. A virtual service will air at 10:30 a.m. as well. 

Holy week is upon us. It is a time where the church asks us to meditate on the actions of the cross. At St. Martin's, we have created a way for each service to be safely done. I invite you to participate as fully as possible.

 In Christ,



From the Rector


From the Rector