From the Rector


Today we begin the Easter Triduum. It is widely considered the holiest time of the Christian year. A time when we humble ourselves before God and neighbor, confess our sinfulness, and patiently wait and pray for the Resurrection. During this time, in our services we read the story of our salvation history and are asked to meditate on, as our prayer book says, "God's saving deeds" through history. I am pleased to say that St. Martin's has designed beautiful liturgies to mark each day. I pray that you consider joining us for any or all of our services. There is plenty of room for social distancing. We can and will worship safely together.

On Easter Day, we will baptize Taylor Slaven and celebrate the Resurrection. It is a day of joyous celebration, one in which we are asked to carry the message of the empty cross to others. It is a day of sharing the love of God. In order to manage the crowd, services will be outdoors, on The Point. The tent has been removed to make more room. For those who would prefer a little more space than the 10X10 squares painted on the grass, please know that drive-in spaces will be available. Simply back your car in and participate in the services from there. The 8 a.m. service will be much like the early morning services that happen at Lake Murray and the beach, services that I know many of you remember from your childhood. After the 10:30 a.m. service, we will have an Easter Egg Hunt and time for fellowship on The Point.

This Easter will be memorable. After a year of isolation, we the Church are re-emerging. While we must remain vigilant against COVID, we have learned to adapt. I pray that you will find the St. Martin's offerings spiritually fulfilling and life-giving. The clergy, choir, and staff are grateful for you and looking forward to seeing you.

In Christ,



A Word from Mitch


A Word from Mitch, COVID-19 Update