A Word from Mitch


"Alleluia! Christ is Risen!" Hearing this triumphant shout on Easter was an amazing experience. To all who participated in our in-person or online services, thank you. To see The Point filled with more than 400 of you was a sight that I will remember for the rest of my life. Thank you.

In the church year, Easter Day is followed by the Season of Easter. I pray that during this season you are able to carve out some time each day to remember and celebrate Christ's resurrection. As we move into the Easter season, there will be changes to the church schedule. Our services will be held inside at 8 a.m. with social distancing protocols in place. The 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. services will both be held outside.

The 8 a.m. service will also be our livestream service. If you are not awake at 8 a.m., don't worry! Once it is uploaded to YouTube, you will be able to watch it at any time. As the percent of positive COVID cases in our area continues to move below 5 percent, our indoor seating capacity will continue to move up. While we will continue to follow communion and physical distancing protocols, the 8 a.m. service is essentially back to what it always was. I hope to see you at worship.

One additional change to note is that diocesan protocols currently dictate that there can be no indoor singing. This reality and the diocesan-required cap of below 50 percent capacity for indoor services are the two driving forces that, for the time being, are keeping the 10:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. services outside. We are blessed to have The Point which grants us ample space to offer outside services without reservations. Pre-pandemic, our 8 a.m. service averaged 75 to 90 people. If these numbers continue to hold true, no reservations will be required for this service either. Should numbers increase, we have a plan for overflow.

Another necessary adjustment requires that we ask you to allow our ushers and vestry members assisting at the 8 a.m. service to help you find a seat inside the church. This may mean not sitting in your "usual" place. Please be gracious. If we are organized about where we sit, we can safely accommodate more people. I long for the days of yesteryear when our 10:30 a.m. service routinely had more than 250 people in worship, and each Sunday, we were able to gather and celebrate. While that longing is still a ways off, Easter Sunday proved that we can worship and gather safely in larger numbers. Again, thank you.

In Christ,



From the Rector


From the Rector