This week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am encouraged by the new COVID numbers, and as more people are vaccinated, I pray that these numbers continue to go down. St. Martin's continues to work hard toward welcoming all and recovering from pandemic restrictions that kept us apart for far too long. Re-building community is at this moment in time our greatest opportunity and most pressing challenge.

I am excited to announce four things!

First, I am excited to share that this Saturday we will be welcoming the entire neighborhood for Trunk or Treat, our annual Halloween set up for our littlest members. WE NEED MORE CARS, so please consider coming out and helping! There is room on The Point for all. Email Caitlyn or Alex if you can help! We need you, and, most importantly, it's fun.

Second, next Sunday, Nov. 7, at our 10:30 a.m. service, we will baptize Fredrick Daniel. Fredrick will be the first child baptized in our big font inside the church in two years. I cannot tell you how happy I am to be a part of this service. I am delighted to bless him and welcome him as one of our own. Please come and celebrate. I can think of no greater celebration of new life than baptism.

Third, on Nov. 14 at 5:30 p.m. come to St. Martin's for dinner. We will be celebrating the feast of St. Martin's with a BBQ. It's a chance to meet, gather, and have fun as a church family. We have much to be thankful for so let's celebrate.

Finally, the following weekend on the 21st, we will have our Annual Parish Meeting. We will elect new vestry members and delegates to Diocesan Convention. Most importantly, we will cast a vision for 2022. In our hearts, I believe we all know that the greatest challenge for the church is regrowth. Our focus for the next year will be evangelism, community and mission.

Each time we leave our church and walk out onto The Point, heading back into our everyday lives, we are entering our mission field. I cannot imagine entering that mission field with any other church. We have amazing parishioners and a great staff. The work will be challenging, but I believe with the Holy Spirit as our guide, the harvest will be plentiful.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


Happy Allhallowtide! (What’s “Allhallowtide?”)