This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is no coincidence that Armistice Day (now Veterans Day) Nov 11, 1919, occurred on the feast of St. Martin. St. Martin was, of course, a veteran of the Roman army, and his life was widely celebrated in France.

Huge feasts were thrown in churches, monasteries, people's homes and town squares. These feasts took place along with the annual fall harvest, particularly when livestock would be slaughtered and prepared for the long winter ahead. The traditional foods for St. Martin's day would be whole animals, cooked and shared, particularly cows, pigs, and geese.

The geese were of particular importance because of a story told about St. Martin that he hid in a goose pen in order to avoid the leaders of the church from taking him to make him a bishop.

Armistice Day was a day of great celebration!

On Sunday the 14th, we are going to celebrate St. Martin's Day here at St. Martin's. Our celebration will start at about 5:30 p.m. The church will provide the main course of BBQ pork and a Lowcountry Boil. Sides and desserts will be potluck style. Please bring your favorite to share!

Our celebration space will be in the courtyard and the gym. Heaters will be put out to keep the evening chill at bay.

It's been far too long since we have celebrated as a community. Please mark your calendars and come. Let's celebrate the saint our church was named for, the year that we have had, and the year to come.

In Christ,



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This week from Mitch