Meet our vestry candidates

Virginia Cooper

Why do you want to serve in this way?
I have been a member for a while and it’s time for me to give back more. My kids are now in high school, and I have the time and, hopefully, resources to contribute. I have served already in other capacities (Stop Hunger Now, Advent Festival, Outreach Commission, EfM, Sunday school, Kaunga Committee, ushering). Vestry seems like a logical next step.

What do you love most about St. Martin’s?
I love the friendliness and inclusivity at St. Martin’s. I love talking to people of all ages, backgrounds and professions. I think it was former priest Furman Buchanan who preached about being a church of unity, but not uniformity. I love the diversity of opinions at St. Martin’s and how we can openly discuss our thoughts and feelings, and come together to help support and guide each other in our spiritual development so we can be more of the person God calls us to be.

What areas of ministry most interest you?
I am most interested in membership involvement and connection. I have gained so much from my relationships and friendships at St. Martin’s, and I hope to help foster that for others.

How long have you been a member of St. Martin’s?
We transferred after a meeting with a leader of our former church in which he was explaining why we give financially to church. “You give because the church is your spiritual home,” he said, and we thought, “This is nothing like a home to us,” and decided we needed to look around for a place that felt like it could be a home. We visited St. Martin’s and that first Sunday met Chad Poteat, who warmly welcomed us and spoke to us for longer than anyone ever had in all of our years at our other church.

Kate Gellatly

Why do you want to serve in this way?
I want to help give back to a church that has done so much for my children, Emmie and Matt, and me over the years. Serving on vestry would be a great way to do that. I also want to help keep this wonderful church moving in good directions.

What do you love most about St. Martin’s?
I love how our church fully embraces the idea that “All are welcome.” We welcome anyone who comes through our doors with love and kindness. I believe that is the most important part of being a Christian.

What areas of ministry most interest you?
I have always been very interested in youth programming and spent many years, before having my own kids, working with children and youth. I would love to see these programs continue to grow and remain strong. I also really appreciate the presence of the community house and would love to see other outreach programs to benefit the community’s wellness.

How long have you been a member of St. Martin’s?
The kids and I joined St. Martin’s in 2012 and have been active members since then.

Gordon Thomas

Why do you want to serve in this way?
I’m excited about the direction St Martin’s is headed. During these times, community is important and St Martin’s is a great community.

What do you love most about St. Martin’s?
The people of SMIF. We are a diverse and welcoming congregation.

What areas of ministry most interest you?
I enjoy all aspects of St Martin’s, and would be willing to serve where needed.

How long have you been a member of St. Martin’s?
My parents were charter members, and I have been a member all my life (60+ years).

Penny Thomas

Why do you want to serve in this way?
Since the pandemic caused the church to shut down, I was not involved in anything. I want to reacquaint myself with the church and I feel vestry is a good way to do that.

What do you love most about St. Martin’s?
What I love about St. Martins is the all-inclusiveness and its outreach ministries.

What areas of ministry most interest you?
I am involved with St. Luke’s Feeding Ministry and Altar Guild. I have helped with Giving Tree Ministry also. I also have served on the vestry in the past.

How long have you been a member of St. Martin’s?
I was married in this church in 1988. Both my children were baptized here in 1999 and 2002; however, I became an official member in 2009.

Dan Neal (Who has offered to serve the unexpired term of Jennifer Mallory.)

Why do you want to service in this way?
First and foremost, I feel called to do this! Additionally, my background as a registered professional engineer and construction manager could be an asset to the vestry as it makes decisions on capital investment priorities for our facilities. My past experience on other vestries would also allow me to be a viable member from the start.

What do you love most about St. Martin’s?
Everything, and I mean everything! We have been members of numerous parishes and this one is absolute class every way. The leadership is extraordinary, the people are warm and friendly, the services are superb, and the staff is professional and helpful.

What areas of ministry most interest you?
I currently serve as an usher and lector, and as I said before, I am interested in helping make wise decisions about our infrastructure.

How long have you been a member of St. Martin’s?
Though we have only been members at Saint Martin’s for a relatively short time, my wife Terri and I have been Episcopalians for more than 40 years. As we moved around while I was on active duty in the Navy, we felt a strong desire to worship in an environment with a consistent liturgy and belief in the things we hold sacred. We found that in the Episcopal Church, and we are blessed, every day, by the decision we made 40 years ago.


Happy Martinmas! Meet Saint Martin.


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