This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

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Sometimes a lot happens in a week. This week has been one with both tremendous highs and lows. As a church, I ask that you pray for young Jack Alkhatib. He was the Dutch Fork football player who tragically died earlier this week. Jack used to go to school here in Columbia and was known by many of the youth and teachers in our parish. May God be with and comfort the Dutch Fork High School community.

Sadly, as you no doubt noticed, we had church without a choir and music last week. English tested positive for a breakthrough COVID case. He is in the hospital and receiving the care he needs. I have been in daily contact with Harriet who is keeping us updated. Please keep him in your prayers. There have been several other positive COVID cases either in or close to our community. For this reason, last week we went back to everyone wearing masks indoors at every service or church meeting. Please continue to be safe. If you have not been vaccinated and you can be, please get the shot. It can save your life and the life of another.


On a more positive note, our Habitat for Humanity home build continues; our new members ministry continues to thrive; casseroles have been made and delivered to those who are sick; our new livestream system is in place; our new youth minister Alex Cato starts next week, and we have once again WON BEST HOUSE OF WORSHIP IN COLUMBIA! This Delta variant is serious, but as a church, we have been able to continually pivot and deal with the hurdles it has presented. This flexibility and our collective determination to worship the Lord will continue to sustain us during these uncertain times.

In Christ,



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