This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This morning, with a cup of coffee in my hand, I find myself thinking about the young people of our church, and praying for each of them as they prepare for the weeks ahead. For our youngest families, who are finishing up preschool and preparing for the next steps, please know you are in my prayers. Something new is right around the corner! As a parent, I know the anxiety that comes with something new. I also know the fun that lies ahead.

For our students finishing elementary school and getting ready for middle school, I am praying for you as well. I do not know a single adult who will read this and say "You know what, middle school was the best time of my life!"

We all know there will be hard times ahead, but be reminded that there will also be blessings. Ahead of you are the first school sports games, school plays, and exciting trips. Your world will expand, and as it does I hope you know that your church, St. Martin's, stands ready to support you. You are seen and loved.

To our high schoolers, please know we love and support you as well. Exams are coming and your church is praying for you. For our seniors, I pray you soak up the memories of these last few weeks. Don't be too eager to leave, it will be gone before you know it. Soak up the now. To parents getting ready for children to go off to college, or other various next steps, we are here for you. Know that you have done enough! I may be biased, but I believe our St. Martin's youth are pretty great. I certainly know their parents are.

The next few weeks are transition weeks. For those parents and grandparents who have done it before, I ask your prayers for the families of our church. For our young people, I ask your patience with your moms and dads. For moms and dads, I ask that you breathe. Deep breaths. God made you. You are enough.

Transitions are exciting! For something to truly be exciting, there must be an element of fear or risk. In the midst of the excitement, please know your church is here to love, support, pray, and care for you. I look forward to seeing all of you on May 5th for Youth Sunday.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch