This Week from Mitch

Dear Beloved in Christ,

Last night, I swung by the church to begin tackling the mountain of emails that inevitably awaits us whenever we return from vacation. If you have written to me, please know I will do my best to get to your email in the next day or two! Anyway, as I was leaving, vestments in hand, to go to Beth Hendrix's ordination, I heard music lessons happening, saw someone weeding our garden, and I got to stop in to see our yoga class back in full swing. It filled my heart with joy. The church felt like it was pulsating with life, and for that feeling, I am thankful. We are truly emerging from this pandemic. Signs of old life returning and new life coming are all around us.


Today I will meet with Bobbie Lindley (our new preschool director) to go over pricing and operational hours. After that meeting, we will be one step closer to opening our preschool. Next week, I look forward to meeting with Christopher Johnson. If you have not met him, you soon will. He is a seminary student studying for the priesthood and he will be interning with us. His energy and excitement will bless us in the upcoming year. In 2019, the church was open nearly every night of the week. We were much like a pot that was boiling over with love and energy. Last night, I felt like a chef watching a pot. We are simmering, soon to boil over again. I am excited and I pray that you are as well.

In Christ,



This week from Mitch


What’s with all these feast days?