This Week from Mitch

Dear Friends in Christ,

I was asked this week where I found the Divine in the midst of the last two years. This question was hard for me. As a spiritual practice, one of the things that I try to do on a daily basis is to see the Divine presence in the world around me at least once each day, and to say, "Thank you" when I see it. It seems too corny and obvious to write, but I have found that the more you look for Christ, the more you find him. The question was hard because in the past two years, I have seen God a lot.

I saw God in the face of the people worshiping in the cold outside. We weren't allowed to meet in our buildings, but you all refused not to meet and pray in person.

I found God in the setup of heaters, the lighting of fire pits, the confirmation classes taught in the grass. Did you?

I found God on the roof of our Habitat for Humanity house. It was so hot that my shoes melted and I wanted to curse the sun, but with each nail driven, the idea that our church was serving a family in need was pounded into my heart. I found God in the ringing of hammers, the jokes about the heat, and Bob Bell making sure that we were drinking enough water.

And I found God this week in new ideas and excitement around them. Our church will be beginning an initiative called Club 345. It's an opportunity for our younger children in grades 3, 4, and 5 to spend time learning a Bible story and then serving. It will begin in February with a clothing drive, see the details below. Club 345 is a way for kids to serve Christ, love one another, and grow in the faith. It's accessible for parents and kids alike and I am looking forward to participating in it. I see the Divine in its potential.

Back to the question our bishop-elect asked, "Where have I found the Divine"? I have found it in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. In your amazing spirit. In your love, dedication, and prayers. In your invitation that welcomes others. In your spirit and will to persevere, in new faces and old. In our growth, despite the obstacles our world has thrown at us. I found God in our willingness to change and adapt. Thanks be to God.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch