This Week from Mitch

Dear friends,

This Friday (weather permitting) and Saturday your vestry and finance committee will be meeting in retreat. My hope is that together we will be able to plan, prepare, pray, and dream about the future of our church.

One of the primary things that drew Denise and me to St. Martin's was the feeling of love the vestry that called us had for each other and our church. That love resulted in a desire for our church to gather each Sunday, to grow in evangelism and in our relationships with our God, and to give of ourselves. In my first year of ministry, I regularly prayed about "the three G's" -- Gather, Grow, and Give. During this COVID time, I have renewed my commitment to the three G's.

This weekend, Caitlyn and I will share with our vestry our dream of renewed evangelism -- our dream of renewed parish growth. We will share our dreams for worship and growth, for continued parish gatherings like our food truck round-up and our St. Martin's day pig roast. And we will share our dreams for giving of ourselves to others. I am praying that our weekend will be filled with mutual invitation, hopes, and dreams.

During this weekend I ask that you take a moment to pray for our retreat. I ask that you pray for your vestry and your church staff and for the growth of our church. As we emerge from COVID, the voice of St. Martin's is going to be needed in our community and in our diocese. Please, pray for that voice.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch