This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

For me, the high of the parish weekend at Kanuga was quickly doused upon returning to the reality of work, school, dirty laundry, children's sports, and breakfasts, lunches, and dinners that do not cook themselves. In some ways, it was jarring. So much to do and seemingly so little time to do it. In other ways, the jarring nature of my return to reality was a nice reminder of why prayer, worship, and time with friends are so important.

Jesus in his ministry goes time and again to the mountains or gardens to pray. The disciples go on a taxing mission trip, return to Jesus and Jesus takes them away to pray. Jesus tours the countryside, healing, as Matthew says, "every disease," and when he is finished, he goes to the mountains. This pattern is so important that it is repeated time and again through Scripture.

We need time set aside in order to recharge. We need Sundays and we need church. We worship with friends, family and community as a perfect reminder that we are not alone. We kneel, and stand, and sing songs of praise together in order to be lifted up and lift others up. We do this in part so that when Mondays come, and the weeks ramp up, we are both recharged and able to see the world through the lens of Christ's love. Through this lens, we are able to have a better understanding of who we are and whose we are. I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.

In Christ,



Coming up next in Adult Formation


This Week from Mitch