Virtual Giving Tree 2020


The Giving Tree is going virtual!

This year we are collecting toys and presents for 31 families at Crayton Middle School, our across-the-street neighbors, as well as collecting hats and gloves for St. Luke’s!  (There are multiple pages of signups so keep going to see more).

Visit our “virtual tree” to sign up for your tags! We have 38 tags left!

Please bring gifts to the church office by Tuesday December 15th. Deadline extension! December 21st!


  1. Pick your Tag(s): You can sign up on the SignUp Genius. Each sign up represents one tag. Families are organized by letter (Family A, Family B, Family AA, etc.), and members in the family are numbered (A1, A2, etc.). After that you’ll see their gender, what they wished for, and clothing sizes (if provided to us).

  2. You can sign up for as many people as you’d like. If you can afford to, it is often a nice gesture to sponsor an entire family so that gifts are of like thoughtfulness and value.

  3. Wrapping and Tagging:
    If you choose a person or family from Crayton Middle School, wrap your gifts nicely, and write the ID of your person (A1, C3, etc.) on a REMOVABLE tag. (Please do not write it on a permanent tag. We want the parents to be able to address the gifts with the child’s name for Christmas).
    St. Luke's gifts should not be wrapped.

  4. Bring the gifts to the church office before December 21st.


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