Weekly pandemic update from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Today, as we always do on the third Tuesday of the month, we will have our vestry meeting. For those new to the Episcopal Church, the official definition of a vestry is: "The vestry is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property." The Episcopal Church goes on to say that "the basic responsibilities of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church's mission by word and deed; to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances."

Before COVID shut everything down, church leaders attended a conference in February. During this conference, I went to a presentation on effective vestries. Wardens and rectors selected from a group of growing churches presented to us what they thought made their organizations strong. Without exception, each vestry that was represented reported that their vestry was absolutely clear that the list of what a vestry was responsible for was defined in order of importance. In other words, they said effective vestries are those that first and foremost articulate mission and then support that mission by word and deed. At St. Martin's, we proclaim each week that all are welcome. We care for our members, we seek to serve our community in the name of Jesus, and we seek to be faithful to the worship of the Episcopal Church. St. Martin's official mission statement intentionally uses the words "to love, to grow, to serve." Our vestry is called to be ambassadors of St. Martin's love, growth, and service.

Tonight's meeting will be the last official meeting for Jim Lamb, Nick Montanez, Allison Rashley and Jack Meyers. Traditionally it is a short meeting as everyone knows that the primary mission of a church in December is Christmas. Normally December's meeting would include looking at the upcoming year's budget, welcoming new vestry members, selecting wardens, and then breaking for a party -- a party where we thank the outgoing members for their service. Unfortunately with COVID, that sort of party cannot happen. So instead of doing that, I want to publicly say:

"Thank you, Nick, Jim, Allison and Jack

for your service to our church and our community.

You have been examples of God's love at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields.

It has not been easy as 2020 was definitely not on any of our radars,

but during your term on the vestry, our church has
grown in numbers,
grown in resources,
grown in our ability to serve,
and grown in love.

This growth has allowed us to navigate 2020 with grace and creativity.

As doors closed, our vestry helped to open windows.

For your service and faithfulness, your church family is grateful."

In Christ,



Tiny drops add up to big blessings


Virtual Giving Tree 2020