Working to solve the puzzle of Alzheimer’s

Parishioner Bill Wright has a passion for working on jigsaw puzzles, often spending entire days working to complete one, or when a piece goes missing, creating the shape by hand and painting it right into place. What is also remarkable about Bill’s assembly work is that Bill is partially blind and his hands are severely arthritic, but those limitations never stop him. When his puzzles are complete, he frames them and sells them through his assisted living facility for Alzheimer’s research. Many of the puzzles depict a simpler time, perhaps little boys trading baseball cards or a Christmas village, or the beauty of the natural world.

If you’d like to buy a puzzle, they are $25 each. Checks may be made to St. Martin’s, which will in turn donate what we collect to the Alzheimer’s Association. These would be great for beach houses or mountain cottages. And all to help solve the puzzle that is Alzheimer’s.

See some of Bill’s collection here. Oh, and that’s not another puzzle in the top left hand corner — that’s Bill, who hopes to return to worship with us one day soon. COVID restrictions prevent him from being able to do so currently.

Email if there’s one you’d like to have.


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