Worship Protocols & Practices

The way we worship is continuing to evolve and change as the CDC releases new suggestions and our bishop gives us new guidelines. Here’s what you need to know about how we are worshipping safely these days.

Worship takes place at 8 AM, 10:30 AM, and 5 PM inside the church.

The 10:30 AM service also is livestreamed. If you choose to join us by livestream, all materials you need are on the Worship page.

Masking & Physical Distancing

In the sanctuary, you will find two different sections.

The Green Zone

A Green Zone for those fully vaccinated is marked off with green tape on the front lectern side for worshippers at all services. Fully vaccinated people may sit wherever they would like within this zone and may mask if they would like to.

The Blue Zone

Outside of the Green Zone, every other pew is marked with blue tape. Worshippers who still prefer physical distance between themselves and others are welcome to sit in these pews with three feet between parties. We ask that people sit only in pews that are marked and to please mask.


Communion is available in both kinds to any who wish to receive it.

As has always been the case, anyone may receive communion in one kind and receive the full spiritual benefits thereof. Simply come forward and stretch out your hands to receive the bread, and cross them over your chest to indicate you do not wish to receive the wine. Folks have been receiving in one kind this way for decades before the pandemic began for a variety of reasons, and so know that if you choose to do so you are in good company.

Everyone's cooperation and grace is needed in order to worship safely back in our space. We are excited to worship with you in these new ways!

In Christ,


This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch