This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am so very excited about the upcoming weeks. We have some wonderful services planned. On Sunday morning at 10:30, we will have the "Greatest Christmas Pageant in the Universe." (I had been saying "World's Greatest Christmas Pageant," but evidently that's a real script of a real copyrighted production and YouTube is going to get me.) It will be so much fun to watch our kids act out the Christmas Story. They have worked hard and are going to be wonderful.

Following that, at our 5 p.m. service, we will have Lessons and Carols. For those of you who have never experienced that service, please consider coming. You will enjoy it. Also, a special thank you to our choirs, both adult and youth, and their directors English Morris and Pam Hair, who have worked incredibly hard.

On the 23rd at 6 p.m., we will have the Service of Light in the Darkness. It is a simple solemn service designed to offer space for mourning. Christmas time is a time where, amidst the happiness of the season, there is also great sadness. If you need a break, if you need a moment with your Lord to quietly pray before the hustle and bustle of Christmas Eve, if you need time to give your sadness over to God, then I encourage you to come and experience this service.

Then on Christmas Eve, we will have our traditional services at 5 p.m. (WITH NURSERY!) and 10:30 p.m. Special music will be sung starting at 10 p.m. Caitlyn will preach at the 5 p.m. service, and I am preaching at 10:30 p.m., so if you want to hear two different sermons, come twice!!! Finally, on Christmas Day, we will have a simple spoken service at 10 a.m.

My friends, after virtual services and an outside Christmas Eve, I am pleased that we can offer these services to you! As the time comes for Christmas Day, let us draw near to the Lord in worship and thanksgiving.

In Christ,



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This Week from Mitch