This Week from Mitch
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Vacation Bible School is coming up soon! So is Bluegrass on the Point. Martineers and the next SnoBall Sunday are right around the corner. On top of all this I am delighted to say that even with folks traveling and enjoying summer, worship on Sundays has been going strong. I am excited for this summer, and I hope you are too.
Caitlyn and I have been working on a podcast series about the epidemic of loneliness. Building meaningful relationships requires a degree of risk. In order to meet someone or get to know someone you have to put yourself out there. Of course, if you are reading this, it is likely that you already have. We don't randomly send the e-Messenger, you signed up for it at some point. So perhaps one of the things we can do as people on the inside is work to make the circle wider. We know the risk of putting ourselves out into the world. Perhaps we can mitigate that risk by inviting someone into our community and offering to be a guide and safe person.
The statistics make it clear. Each of us knows folks who are struggling with loneliness. I pray that we all take a moment and picture someone we know, then invite them in. The worst that can happen is that they say "no." Our collect from last week can be your guide: Lord, we pray that we can think those things that are right, and by your guidance do them."
In Christ,