This Week from Mitch
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Sunday we celebrate All Saints' Sunday. All Saints' Day is a day of both looking toward the kingdom of God, and a day of remembrance. It is a day where we celebrate the paschal mystery: Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again. In the midst of this celebration, we remember the Saints who have helped shape both our lives and our understanding of God. We also baptize people into the faith, and we think about the church that we want to leave behind for those who are new to the body of the faithful.
I find myself particularly emotional during this All Saints' week. As a church, we will soon say goodbye to our friend Grace Allen, who for nearly 100 years has been a person who shared her love of God with all in her life. I know for many who have known her, Grace was and is every bit as graceful as her name suggests. To walk into her room and hear her exclaim, "I love you" is a sound and feeling I will not ever forget.
We will, also, on Saturday lay to rest a young Heathwood father of two. To his wife I hope we offer comfort; to his children, I hope we offer a glimpse of God's love in the midst of grief. Then later on this upcoming week, we will say goodbye to The Rev. Babcock Fitch, a person who brought many to the faith, a person whose laugh was full and hearty, a person whose light shined bright.
In the midst of Sunday's day of remembrance, we will also baptize two small children. I am aware that our predecessors gave us a gift. A gift of faith, a gift of this special church, a gift of a growing, loving, supportive community. We honor this gift on All Saints' as we allow both the goodbye of yesterday and the welcome call of tomorrow to occupy the same space. Christ has died; Christ has risen; Christ will come again.
In Christ,