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A Word from Mitch-Weekly COVID update
Clayton King Clayton King

A Word from Mitch-Weekly COVID update

"It's Lent," I thought to myself. "Time to make some space." In the process of making this space I came across the name, number, and address of my friend William Barnwell. It stopped me in my tracks. Father Barnwell, a former associate rector at St. Martin's, died from COVID on March 27th of last year. "That number can stay," I thought to myself. "I'm not ready to delete it." Fr. Barnwell's great gift to the church was in his work of social justice and community building. He was great at bringing small groups of people together to talk, listen, and then act out the gospel. He was unapologetically liberal, and, yet, Washington Examiner conservative columnist Quin Hillyer called him one of the great teachers in his life. The Examiner would later do a full-page story about William. Such was his knack for bringing people together.

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From the Rector
Clayton King Clayton King

From the Rector

Earlier in the week, Caitlyn sent an email to our worship leaders and volunteers titled “The Big Email.”

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Thoughts from Mitch-COVID Update
Clayton King Clayton King

Thoughts from Mitch-COVID Update

I was excited and happy to hear about Johnson and Johnson's new vaccine. With three vaccines in play, getting people vaccinated will speed up exponentially. With that speed up and with numbers dropping, service schedules and times will be subject to change. Please pay attention to weekly emails as we are seeking to do more in-person services. The Tuesday noon services have been a success. Thank you to all who have attended. It is a blessing to be able to pray with you all.

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Clayton King Clayton King

Thoughts from Mitch-COVID Update

It was interesting for me to hear other clergy vocalize some of the same feelings that I have had. In some ways, it's nice to know there is a shared experience. In other ways, it was a sobering reminder that COVID truly has affected everyone.

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Thoughts from Mitch
Clayton King Clayton King

Thoughts from Mitch

Lent is the time of the year in which we move toward the cross, the crucifixion, and eventually Easter. During Lent, the Church calls us to repent of our sins. It calls us to a period of fasting, and it asks us to make amends in our lives where amends need to be made. In short, it is a time where we are asked by our tradition to make sure our relationships with God and Neighbor are right, good, and holy.

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A Word from Mitch-Ash Wednesday
Clayton King Clayton King

A Word from Mitch-Ash Wednesday

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, a time when we remember our mortality. The words "you were formed of the Earth and to Earth, you will return" are used. We remember that we are dust.

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This Week from Mitch
Clayton King Clayton King

This Week from Mitch

Yesterday was a special day for Caitlyn Darnell as she was ordained to the priesthood. The service was beautiful. Over coffee this morning I reflected on this past year, the year ahead of us, and our path forward as a church with new leaders in place.

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Pandemic Update: A Message from Mitch
Clayton King Clayton King

Pandemic Update: A Message from Mitch

The upcoming weeks will be eventful ones in the life of St. Martin's. I hope that this Sunday you will join us on The Point for the burning of the palms at 4:30 p.m. Libby Nicholson has led this liturgy for our youth for years.

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This week’s pandemic update from MItch
Clayton King Clayton King

This week’s pandemic update from MItch

In a positive light, we are entering into a new stage of this pandemic. More and more people are being vaccinated, allowing more things to open up. I was moved by a picture this week of one of our grandparents hugging her grandchild. It was a special hug indeed. On another hand, this week we prayed in our Prayers of the People for multiple COVID-related deaths. Early in the pandemic, St. Martin's was, for the size of our organization, very lightly touched by COVID. Perhaps it is simply the law of averages, but now it seems like things are equaling out. Our need for safety remains as strong as ever.

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Parishioner Thoughts Clayton King Parishioner Thoughts Clayton King

A Note of Thanks from Amy & Nick Montanez

Father Chris Clements said in his sermon of January 17th, 2021, that of all the churches he has known, St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields “is one of the most alive, Spirit-filled, and welcoming. It is a treasure, or in Scriptural words, a pearl of great price. And so if we fail to support and nurture it, we will lose something that cannot be replaced, and I think we will be forever sorry.”

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A Message from Mitch

As we finish up this year's stewardship campaign, I was recently informed about a parishioner who pledged last year, but has not this year. They said they would not give to the church until we were re-opened and could worship inside. Hearing this made me think that it might be helpful to offer a reminder of what we can and can't do from both a theological perspective, and a rules standpoint.

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Weekly pandemic update from Mitch
Clayton King Clayton King

Weekly pandemic update from Mitch

If I were to write a book about this past week, the title would be "The Tale of two COVIDs." On one hand, many of our members age 70 and above are experiencing a sense

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This week from Mitch
Clayton King Clayton King

This week from Mitch

Yesterday, during the inauguration, I was moved by Amanda Gorman's poem. In particular, this verse "Scripture tells us to

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Weekly pandemic update from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

Weekly pandemic update from Mitch

While we may have longer to go, there is hope. The effectiveness of the vaccines is extremely high. If we each continue to do our part, we will see an end to this COVID-19 pandemic. If we hold tight to proper social distancing and we use the vaccines when they become available, we will make it through this.

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Weekly pandemic update from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

Weekly pandemic update from Mitch

This morning, as I woke up to write this, I had the funny feeling I was like Bill Murray's character in the movie "Groundhog Day." As many of you may recall, in the movie, Bill Murray's character is forced to repeat the same day over and over again. Quarantine can feel like this sometimes. It is hard.

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Allison Askins Allison Askins

Tiny drops add up to big blessings

Doing even the smallest things in the midst of this pandemic season keeps us connected, and can add up to big blessings. Read parishioner Becky Lumpkin’s reflection about working with the St. Luke’s Feeding Ministry.

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Weekly pandemic update from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

Weekly pandemic update from Mitch

At St. Martin's, we proclaim each week that all are welcome. We care for our members, we seek to serve our community in the name of Jesus, and we seek to be faithful to the worship of the Episcopal Church. St. Martin's official mission statement intentionally uses the words "to love, to grow, to serve." Our vestry is called to be ambassadors of St. Martin's love, growth, and service. Thank you to those who have heeded that call.

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