News, Musings & More

Announcements, Stories & other news

This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

As you can see there are some amazing and exciting things on our horizon. Let's band together and pull them off.

We need coffee hour volunteers, set up and clean up volunteers for special services, a few more sheep and maybe even a shepherd for our pageant! We need adult acolytes, youth acolytes, Altar Guild participants and more. Please come and enjoy the offerings we have. Please also pray about how you can be of service.

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This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

Today is Veterans Day. It is also the Feast of St. Martin, the patron saint of veterans. To all who have served, and to all who are currently serving, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields is grateful. Thank you for your service.

This Sunday evening, we are going to celebrate St. Martin's Day with a feast. We are going to have a pig and oyster roast. Come and bring a side dish or dessert to share! It feels so good to celebrate with you all again. The party will be in the courtyard and the gym. Beginning at 5:30 p.m. and ending at 8:30 p.m.

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Happy Martinmas! Meet Saint Martin.
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

Happy Martinmas! Meet Saint Martin.

Meet our patron saint and namesake, Saint Martin of Tours. He’s the patron saint of veterans and has a storied life! Read more, and listen to our newest podcast episode linked at the end!

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This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

On Sunday the 14th, we are going to celebrate St. Martin's Day here at St. Martin's. Our celebration will start at about 5:30 p.m. The church will provide the main course of BBQ pork and a Lowcountry Boil. Sides and desserts will be potluck style. Please bring your favorite to share!

It's been far too long since we have celebrated as a community. Please mark your calendars and come. Let's celebrate the saint our church was named for, the year that we have had, and the year to come.

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This week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This week from Mitch

Each time we leave our church and walk out onto The Point, heading back into our everyday lives, we are entering our mission field. I cannot imagine entering that mission field with any other church. We have amazing parishioners and a great staff. The work will be challenging, but I believe with the Holy Spirit as our guide, the harvest will be plentiful.

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Happy Allhallowtide! (What’s “Allhallowtide?”)
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

Happy Allhallowtide! (What’s “Allhallowtide?”)

It’s Allhallowtide! This weekend in our Church calendar, we prepare to celebrate what many describe as “three of the most thin days in the church year.” You’ve certainly heard of Halloween, traditionally called All Hallow’s Eve, but what about the other two? What is All Saints? What is All Souls? What’s the difference?

Grab your bucket of treats and gather round for tales of the saints, the living and the dead.

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Proposed Bylaws Changes
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

Proposed Bylaws Changes

Our parish’s bylaws are the governing documents of our congregation. They tell us how we are to remain organized, they guide our official business together, and they support the ministry and mission of this place. A committee of talented lawyers from within the parish have been meeting to review our bylaws which were written decades ago. Read their proposed changes here.

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This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

Sadly, in 2021, there are many people who are regularly hurt by their faith traditions. These people live with the scars that come from pastors, teachers, and churches who have at one point or another used the Bible as a weapon.

If the presence of folks from St. Martin's can be a balm on these wounds, then I am all for participating. St. Martin's will have a tent and a banner during Family Pride from Noon to 5 p.m. this Saturday (Oct. 23). Our tent will be on Main Street, close to Washington.

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This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

In the past two weeks, I have had the honor of representing our diocesan clergy at the installation of two new rectors in the diocese. The first was Dane Boston, the new dean of Trinity Cathedral. The second was Raphiell Ashford, the new rector of St. Luke's, Columbia. At both installations, I found myself praying for the success of the new clergy. Their success positively affects us as Christ's message is shared with all, and our success affects them.

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This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

I am constantly amazed at how quickly time seems to pass. Yesterday the staff put together a brief video showing the past year. As we put together the video, I was forced to take a moment and look at all of the pictures of events since our last Annual Meeting. Holy Wow.

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So you want to come back to church…
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

So you want to come back to church…

Maybe you really want to come back to church, but you're nervous about the virus that is still so disrupting our lives.

We understand, which is why we now offer a hybrid form of outdoor church at our 10:30 a.m. service. We believe this way of "being church" allows folks to re-enter the St. Martin's community with an extra sense of safety.

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This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

In addition to being that time of year when we celebrate homecomings and bless our pets, it's also stewardship season, the time when we consider what we will give to St. Martin's. I ask you to look at your church and see the healthy youth programming, safe and holy worship and ongoing mission efforts like Habitat for Humanity, the Crayton backpack program, Harvest Hope, Family Promise and so much more. I ask you to re-read articles in our "faith!" magazine or perhaps to look back at our E-Messengers. Look, see and feel how we have stayed connected. And then pray about the future of your church.

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This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

It is no secret that the pandemic has forced us to consider deeply what church means to us. We have had to decide whether we feel safe coming or not. We've had to learn how to do online worship, trying also to do it well. The learning curve has been as steep as it has been expensive. We've had to deal with folks being mad. Some have been upset, saying that we have been too cautious. Others have said we have opened too fast. Others, I think, also thought the shut down would be temporary, and they quit coming to church, thinking it would be for a week or two, which stretched to four weeks, then four months, and now its approaching two years. To these folks I want to say, come back, you've been missed, and you are loved!

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This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

Just over two years ago, we completed the donor solicitation phase of our Building on the Legacy Capital Campaign. Led by Neil Rashley, this campaign was extremely successful. We raised $2.2 million in pledges. Little did we know how much life would change in the months following our celebration dinner. And yet, despite the craziness of the past two years, the Capital Campaign has continued to do well. Thank you for your commitment to keeping your pledges.

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This Week from Mitch
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

This Week from Mitch

If COVID has taught us anything, it is that our life is filled with pivots. The Delta variant of COVID-19 is once again forcing our church to pivot. This latest pivot comes in the form of our Jazz Mass. After speaking to the choir last night, we have decided to postpone it, moving it to a later date.

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Why We Won’t Go Now: How to do disaster relief work as a church
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

Why We Won’t Go Now: How to do disaster relief work as a church

“After listening, we will find an opportunity to help. It may be through a one-on-one relationship with an affected church and their parishioners, or it may be through Episcopal Relief and Development. I am not sure where it will be, but the opportunity will present itself. We are pursuing it. In the meantime, we will keep air in the disaster relief trailer tires and the equipment in working order. It's a long hurricane season and, at some point, our role as responders for Episcopal Relief and Development will be called on again…It is inevitable that our trailer will be deployed again. ”

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What’s a bishop? And why are we electing one?
Caitlyn Keith Caitlyn Keith

What’s a bishop? And why are we electing one?

You might have heard announcements from our church or from the diocese that we’re preparing for an “episcopal election” or “bishop election.” But what is a bishop? And why does this matter to our church? How does this work? Well, you’ve come to the right blog post.

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